What is DevOps?

DevOps is an extension of the agile mindset and methodologies that focus on bringing customers value without compromising creativity (development) or stability (operations).


It emphasizes communication, collaboration and integration between software development and IT operations. DevOps promotes collaboration and collaboration is facilitated by the automation and orchestration in order to improve the process.
DevOps represents a change in IT culture, focusing on rapid IT service delivery through the adoption of agile, lean practices in the context of a system-oriented approach. DevOps emphasizes people (and culture) and seeks to improve collaboration between operations and development teams. DevOps implementations utilize technology - especially automation tools that can leverage an increasingly programmable and dynamic infrastructure from a life cycle perspective - Gartner

Why DevOps?

Companies adopting DevOps are decisively outperforming their lower-performing peers in terms of throughput:

  • Deploy 200 times more frequently than low performers with 2,555 times faster lead times.
  • 24 times faster recovery times and three times lower change failure rates.
  • Improving quality is everyone's job as you will reduce unplanned work and rework.

Reference: - 2016 State of DevOps Report

What will SECC offer me?

SECC offers the following services:

  • DevOps Fundamentals Workshop (Training + Lab): SECC offers the first course in Egypt, which covers DevOps elements using different and integrated practical examples.
  • DevOps Adoption Coaching: Our consultants will coach you in your transformation and guide you to apply and implement DevOps pipeline using the suitable toolchain.
  • DevOps Certification : "New from June-2018" SECC DevOps Certification based on "DevOps Fundamentals Workshop" syllabus.​​​​